Sunday, 20 February 2011

Keeping it Mont-Real

It seems like only yesterday that I was knee deep in chicken guano with a scraper in hand, birds pecking my boots and the warm spring sunshine flickering through the trees. Well that's because it was only yesterday, and today I have awoken mid-morning in the beautiful French city of Montreal.

Last night I popped my Serato cherry, which for those less versed in the tedious technologies behind playing tunes is not a reference to some dodgy room-service-with-happy-ending but to the digital switchover from CDs to CDs + laptop, and I have to say it went pretty well. The marvellous Fingerz in the Noize crew were behind the party, and put on a wonderful display at the Corona Theatre. There were dozens & dozens of sponge Elite Force-stamped cubes flying through the air throughout, and whilst the laptop took a couple of minor nudges, they were a great addition to the night.

I love how simple physical 'events' such as throwable cubes breaks down barriers in clubs - people's guards come down, they lose their personal-space protection and just engage with one another (and in this case, the DJ!). So, a fine start to my Canadian trip. It's on to Toronto tonight. I can't wait!

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